
作者:来源:时间:2012-11-22阅读:博彩译文 [收藏]


  Play online real dice treasure skills will understand the dice treasure etiquette

  Playing dice treasure can be a real intercultural experience. Even in the westernization outside Macao, dice treasure is a born Chinese opportunity game, so it is some special Oriental behavior. Don't be too surprised, if the player's dice treasure etiquette is not always conform to the United States or Europe's concept, so playing online real dice treasure skills will understand some dice treasure etiquette

  Placement dice treasure to win money, if a player do a bet, that is quite all right. China is a populous nation, do not give the same priority, it is one of the world's many other areas of personal space. A certain amount of body contact can be expected, so in the near distance also can't take them from behind the chip is still a little bit crowded position to the layout of the front. According to the same ideas, don't expect any unexpected turbulence apology or propulsion. That is to say, contact a gambler shoulder is considered to be very bad performance, can bring bad luck. Therefore, even if there is a lot of race, from the elbow to wipe hip collision, shoulders is the most taboo met.

  And have to be very careful, choice of betting area completely positioning chip. In addition, eyes bet, to ensure that they don't carefully push away from the ideal position. Once begin to spin dice, chip may not until pay. The player is responsible for counting their bonuses, and make sure that received total amount is correct.

  Many superstitions dice treasure game. These range from taboo number money and play of faith, wear red table bring good luck. In fact, in the red supposed is especially lucky. Many Chinese players think, baby dead hand behind the dice treasure table. Use sugar to feed the ghost bring good luck. Ignore the ghost will prevent a player from winning. However gambling superstition is not limited to dice cypress table, when live in a resort in the casino, the player will avoid inspection room with digital 4 (and death of the pronoun), and find out those who contain the number eight (meaning happiness)。 See a buddhist nun or the priest gambling is bad luck, it is through the main entrance to use a side door into the casino.

  Of course, prayer is considered to be the right before, in and after playing dice treasure. Who is the real conciliatory spirit of good luck, may also make provide fruit, burn the candle, or in the shrine or temple give money. Is not a casino itself immune and other long term hold superstition. "Feng shui" spirit positioning of the dice treasure table can attract funds or act like the house of representatives cash barrel leakage. The player is very clear feng shui practice, can avoid a table is located in the casino will become very poor.

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