
作者:来源:时间:2012-06-02阅读:博彩译文 [收藏]






  Just like in the real estate three important factors of the property are “Location, Location and Location” in Texas Holdem and many other poker games it is “Position, Position and Position”。 Position in poker is power and the amount of power you have will define the poker strategy you should adopt. Most players have heard about the importance of adjusting the game style, actions and the starting playable hands according to their position throughout the game, however a lot of them still fail to make such adjustments when it comes to practice.

  In poker games such as Texas Holdem and Omaha player’s position is fixed in the game and everyone places their bets in turn going clockwise from the button. Generally speaking the later your position the better, the benefits of the late position are obvious. It does not matter if you play poker online or in live poker events, when you are the last one to act you can see your opponents actions, you know the size of the pot and can make an informed decision on whether to fold, call or raise. Logically the early position is worst position, generally speaking, as you have very little or no information of your opponents forthcoming bets and you have to make your decision blindly. So the cards that would be perfectly fine to play in the late position become unplayable and have to be folded if you are the first one to act.

  To be successful in poker you need to observe your opponents and whether you play poker online or in a casino, it is always a good idea to watch the table for a while before you join in to become familiar with types of players at the table. To get the best seat and optimise your winnings you would be better if players on your left are timid, conservative. Such players are more likely to call and would rather fold if you raise and otherwise are fairly predictable. Unpredictable, tough, aggressive players are best to keep on your right. You will be in much better position to control such players and use them to your advantage winning the money and forcing them to make mistakes.

  Of course when you play in online poker tournaments you can not choose your seat and will be placed at the table by the software, however knowing your opponents game style and using it to your advantage correctly in your position will help you make correct decisions, maximize your winnings and minimize the losses.

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